Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Sara is in surgery. Right now. She's not supposed to be, because she had surgery on Monday, and that took all day, but in the end it seemed to be worth it because everything looked really good and everyone was quite proud of themselves and Sara's recovery was chugging along smoothly. I was surprised yesterday by just how fine she seemed to be, and although she was in pain, I had prepared myself for so much more. She was supposed to be moving around today, possibly even standing up, and eating solid food. Instead, she's back in surgery.

It's not that there's too much to worry about, so I'm sorry to scare anyone who might be reading along in real time. The reason she's back in is that the tissue that they put in (living tissue, that they removed from her thigh) is not doing a very good job of getting blood. They checked it out last night and seemed to think that it was pretty good, but upon this morning's inspection it seems that they had a change of heart. So they're taking her back in, and they are going to attempt to rescue the surgical site. But if they can't, then they are going to remove it and move forward from there.

The unfortunate thing about that is that I imagine that this time around it's going to be much harder on her. Just the look of what it did to her morale this morning when they told her that they were going to have to do that was devastating. She is still a trooper though, and will be fine.

I had a lot of good stuff prepared about this whole experience. Stuff like sitting in the little consultation room waiting to speak to the doctor. That's the same room you see in the movies, the one where the doctor comes in and says "we did the best we can.".. That shit is scary. And it's got to suck being the doctor when there are already all of those movies out there covering what you're going to come out and say so that when you do have to come out and give some husband/wife/parents/kid the worst news that they are ever going to get it just seems cliche. That's the worst. I seriously hope that they have some super secret top secret (that's two classes above regular top secret) speech prepared that they say that is never covered in movies and does not come out sounding contrived and like the worst cliche ever at seriously one of the most important moments of the lives of the affected ones. Then again, maybe you don't care how stupid the doctor sounds when he's (or she's, I don't know why that came out so sexist.. .. yes I do, because I was imagining Sara's doctor) delivering that kind of news. I hope I never have to experience that.

I started that last paragraph the way that I did because I was going to finish it with "but I will tell you about that another time" .. and instead I told you about that. So yeah, there's other stuff.. Hospitals are filled with stories.

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